Other login credentials

Login credentials

Students Teachers Employees

Some services at AMU may have their own login credentials. The format of the username will generally be the same or similar to the network login credentials, but the password will be different, intended only for this specific service. Changing the network password will not affect the passwords for the services listed below. Passwords may also have different or unlimited validity periods and other conditions that must be met. Below is a list and description of the most important services that have their own login credentials.


The eduroam Wi-Fi network has individual login credentials for each user. More information can be found in the article dedicated to the eduroam network.

Google Workspace

Some parts of the school use Google Workspace cloud services, but it is not a centrally deployed and supported system at AMU. To log in to Google Workspace, if you have access, use your school email address and your own password. If you have forgotten your password, contact the Computer Centre.

HAMU Classroom Reservations

Instructions for using this system, including registration, can be found on the HAMU website.

Contact details for the IT department


Computer Centre
Malostranské náměstí 12,
Praha 1
+420 234 244 508


Jakub Kavan
Karlova 26,
Praha 1
+420 234 244 208


Tomáš Šín
Smetanovo nábřeží 2,
Praha 1
+420 234 244 308


Zdeněk Krajíček
Malostranské náměstí 13,
Praha 1
+420 234 244 108

Author: Jiří Krčmář | Date: 26.09.2024